Local Politics - Locksheath Infoweb

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Local Politics

Locks Heath is part of Fareham Western Wards and under Conservative Control.

The Council is currently made up of 31 councillors. There are 15 wards and there are 2 councillors representing each of them, except Portchester East. This has 3 councillors due to the larger population.

Each councillor is elected for a four year term. Elections are held every two years, with one half of the Council seats up for election at a time.

There are four political groups in Fareham Borough Council. Currently, the Conservatives are the majority group.

Fareham Liberal Democrats - http://www.farehamlibdems.org.uk/

Fareham Conservatives publish a useful “In Touch” magazine and is available as a PDF download on their Web site.

Fareham Liberal Democrats news concentrates on areas where they have most councillors, but there is sometimes general Council news.

Fareham Labour concentrate on reports from some Council meetings.

Remember that many Council meetings are open to the general public. Details can be found on the Fareham Borough Council Web site. Also, you have a right to speak at some meetings if you give advance notice of your intention in writing. You are limited to 15 minutes. Some meetings may contain elements of confidential discussion and you will be asked to leave before before this type of dialogue.

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